Thursday, August 17, 2006

Tagged By Darlene! And Sue!

1) The one household chore I don't mind doing... laundry. Why do people complain about doing laundry when there are washers, dryers, and wrinkle free fabrics?

2) The last person to make a surprise visit to my home was... my mother in law (ex.) When she's not telling me how to raise the Boy, she's pretty nice.

3) I cannot comprehend... Peter, who doesn't like food! He doesn't have a favourite food, doesn't crave anything, and just doesn't seem to really enjoy any kind of food! Isn't that weird, and kind of sad? I think maybe something is wrong with his tastebuds.

4) At this moment I wish... I had more time to work on my quilt block!

5) The last serious discussion I had was... with the Boy last week when I was trying to convince him to apologize to Peter after throwing a toy at his face. (He didn't mean it, he was laughing and excited and threw it on impulse...he' s a good boy.)

6) The thing that made me laugh the hardest today was... it's only 8:30am... I haven't laughed yet today, but I did let loose a barrage of impressive cursing when I realized I had screwed up the quilt block I worked on until 12:30 last night.

I'm not going to tag anyone, because I think I'm the last one to do this meme!


Blogger Administrator said...

Re: #3

Hey, hey, HEY! Eating is a pain in the ass:

A) It takes too long to prepare food (or wait for it to be prepared)

B) It takes too long to eat. Sitting still to eat is the worst part.

C) Indegestion, allergic reactions, undercooked food, overcooked food. Too many variables. Who Needs It.

D) People who say Grace. I have an advertising contact that wants to have lunch some time and I'm putting it off because he insists that everyone say Grace even in restaurants like MacDonalds.

E)People take it personally if you don't eat or like their food.

I'm a sugar junky but I'd be just as happy to get all of my food through an IV or eat astronaut food and drink Tang.

(Although thinking that there's ONLY something wrong with my tastebuds is a compliment).

9:47 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Sorry about your square... He is weird.. LOL

1:21 AM  
Blogger Kare said...


It's so frustrating when you spend so much time on something and then you have to redo it. Sorry to hear about the quilt block.

I'm not a big food person either. I forget to eat a lot. When I feel like I'm going to pass out I remember. I'd eat toast or cereal for every meal if I could.

10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

#1 ~ I agree with you on that one. My grandmother had on of those washing machines with the rollers on top and a bunch of wash tubs for dunking the clothes. What a process!

#3 ~ my teen aged son isn't a big eater either. Everyone assumes his eats a lot but he is very "choosy" and NEVER overeats!

1:27 PM  

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