Tuesday, January 08, 2008

New Year's Resolutions

I love making New Year's resolutions. I almost never keep them, but they're still fun to make. It's that whole fresh start thing.

1). Lose 20 lbs. My 20 year high school reunion (Jeee-zus!) is this year, so I need to do this.

2) Purge, purge, purge. (In a de-cluttering way, not an eating-disorder way)

3) Floss more.

4) Green stuff: - Remember to actually use the re-usable grocery bags sitting in my car, instead of using evil plastic bags.
- Start cleaning green, instead of using so many scary chemical products.
- Eat local.

5) Be financially responsible: - Stop wasting money on junk and little things, magazines, fast food, chocolate bars, crap at the Dollar Store, etc.

- Stop using bank card so much.

6) Plan weekly meals and shop accordingly, so will not have fridge and cupboards bulging with food and still nothing to eat, and won't have to go to grocery store nearly everyday during break, wasting time and gas.

7) Karma: - Buy a little something for the food bank box each grocery shopping trip, not just at Christmas.

- Volunteer

8) Start running again. I never blogged about it because I was afraid I would jinx myself somehow, but I started jogging last July. I managed to keep it up until October, and had improved a lot, but I kind of fell off it when it started getting dark in the mornings. I even had to buy myself a real pair of sneakers at The Running Room because my $30 Zeller's runners just weren't cutting it. Anyhoo, I'm going to start again.

9) Learn to knit a hat, and try thrummed mittens.

10) Leave my culinary comfort zone.

11) Eat more salad, and get Boy to eat it more often.

12) Quilt one of the quilt tops aging in the closet.


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