Tuesday, January 01, 2008

I Read a LOT in 2007

75 books this year. That's not bad, considering how much time work and the Boy take up. I figure I manage to read as much as I did in 2007 because I read a lot of books I really liked, which always go much faster. That, and the fact that you can read while sitting or lying down.

Here they are:

1) Star Sullivan - Maeve Binchy
2) The Curve of Time - M.Wylie Blanchet
3) Missing Mom - Joyce Carol Oates
4) My Antonia - Willa Cather
5) The Tent - Margaret Atwood
6) A Place In France: An Indian Summer - Nigel Farrell
7) The Other Side of the Bridge - Mary Lawson
8) Crow Lake - Mary Lawson
9) Sleeping With the Enemy - Nancy Price
10) Incubus - Ann Arenberg
11) Pirate's Passage - William Gilkerson
12) She's Come Undone - Wally Lamb
13) Petticoat Whalers - Joan Druett
14) The Nine Lives of Charlotte Taylor - Sally Armstrong
15) Empire Falls - Richard Russo
16) Nobody's Fool - Richard Russo
17) Lovers and Gamblers - Jackie Collins
18) Diary of a Key West Innkeeper - Susan Jinbo
19) Ghost Stories of St. Petersburg - Tim Reeser
20) Lullabies for Little Criminals - Heather O'Neill
21) House of Spirits and Whispers - Annie Wilder
22) Diary of a Key West Innkeeper - Susan Jinbo (for the second time)
23) Ghosts of Key West - David L. Sloan
24) Ragged Islands - Don Hannah
25) The Lovely Bones - Alice Sebold
26) Papa: Hemingway in Key West - James McLendon
27) Fish Out of Water - John Payzant
28) Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil - John Berendt
29) The Time Traveler's Wife - Audrey Niffenegger
30) Among the Shadows - LM Montgomery
31) View From A Kite - Maureen Hull
32) The Devil and Miss Prym - Paulo Coelho
33) Blaze - Richard Bachman (Stephen King)
34) Ghosts on the Coast of Maine - Carol Olivieri Schulte
35) Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince - JK Rowling
36) Harry Potter and the Deathy Hallows - JK Rowling
37) The Custodian Of Paradise - Wayne Johnston
38) Mrs. Mary and Others: Women of Barrington - Hattie A. Perry
39) The Short Life and Long Times of Mrs. Beeton - Kathryn Hughes
40) Bachelor Brother's Bed and Breakfast - Bill Richardson
41) Bloodletting and Other Miraculous Cures - Vincent Lam
42) Blackbird House - Alice Hoffman
43) Martha Gellhorn: A Life - Caroline Moorehead
44) Definitely Not Martha Stewart - Janice Wells
45) Slipknot - Linda Greenlaw
46) Strange But True - John Robert Colombo
47) Crazy Aunt Purl's Drunk, Divorced, and Covered in Cat Hair - Laurie Perry
48) Middlesex - Jeffrey Eugenides
49) Lighthouse Legacies: Stories of Nova Scotia's Lightkeeping Families - Chris Mills
50) Practical Magic - Alice Hoffman
51) The Ice Queen - Alice Hoffman
52) Spooky Canada - SE Schlosser
53) House of Spirits and Whispers - Annie Wilder (for the second time)
54) The Ghost Next Door - Mark Alan Norris
55) Dark Woods, Chill Waters - Marcus LiBrizzi
56) Nantucket Hauntings - Blue Balliett
57) The Ghosts of Nantucket - Blue Balliett
58) The Hindi-Bindi Club - Monica Pradhan
59) French Women Don't Get Fat - Mirielle Guiliano
60) Haunted Island - Holly Mascott Nadler
61) Late Nights On Air - Elizabeth Hay
62) Julie and Julia - Julie Powell
63) October - Richard B. Wright
64) The Jane Austen Book Club - Karen Joy Fowler
65) La Sagouine - Antonine Maillet
66) A Year In the Maine Woods - Bernd Heinrich
67) The Probably Future - Alice Hoffman
68) The Dirt On Clean - Katherine Ashenburg
69) O Pioneers! - Willa Cather
70) The Outport People - Claire Mowat
71) Local Girls - Alice Hoffman
72) To Everything There Is a Season - Alistair MacLeod (originally a short story, but this was in book form, so I counted it as a book)
73) A Christmas Carol - Charles Dickens
74) Astrid and Veronika - Linda Olsson
75) An Audience of Chairs - Joan Clark



Blogger Paula said...

Sigh... I started with good intentions of keeping a list of the books I read in 2007, it fell by the wayside after the first week.
I got the 5 Canada Reads 2008 books and my free Canada Reads tote bag
from the CBC shop just before Christmas. http://www.cbcshop.ca/CBC/shopping/boutique.aspx?CatalogName=CBCBase&CategoryName=boutique_canadareads_subroot&lang=en-CA

I thought this year it would be fun to have the 5 books read before the debate begins in February… however; there is also tempting stack of books that I just got from Chapters and another delivery on its way...

12:54 PM  
Blogger Librarian Girl said...

It warms my librarian-heart to see all those books you read!

10:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Holy smokes that's alotta books! Clearly, I need to sit or lay down some more and get busy reading!

12:05 AM  

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