Friday, December 09, 2005

Best Smelling Christmas Candle EVER!

"Christmas Berries," actually, though "Home Sweet Home" is quite nice, too.
"Christmas Berries" smells more like a pine tree than holly or smells so Christmas-y that I actually brought it to work with me today, and am forcing my co-workers to smell it. It's making me want to deck the halls and put up the tree, and I'm even happy about the snow that's coming.

My First Real Post!

I started this thing around 6:30am, and ate almost an entire box of Golden Buds while doing so. Now I feel slightly ill. Note to self, don't eat chocolate for breakfast.

I've Started A Blog!

It's about nothing! I had been trying to think of some kind of theme for a few days, but had a revelation the other night while "Seinfeld" was doesn't need a theme! It's just me and my life.
Unfortunately, New Job I Actually Like doesn't allow much "arsing around" time, but I have a natural talent for goofing off.
Release the hounds!