Friday, December 28, 2007

A Pretty Good Christmas

Last Christmas kind of sucked (see "A Bridget Jones Christmas.")

This year was a vast improvement.

- I didn't feel the urge to strangle any family members this year.

- Peter and I had some of my co-workers over for a turkey dinner Christmas Eve, and it was a blast.

- I went to Midnight Mass with Peter's mother.

- The Boy got way too many presents, as usual. He got a set of hockey gear. He didn't want to take any of it off all week, including the skates.

- I know it shouldn't matter, but I got pretty good gifts this year, the highlight being my new chest/coffee table.

- I don't do Boxing Day sales, but I did pop into Chapters/Starbucks yesterday, and got these half-price goodies... a set of candy dishes from Chapters, and from Starbucks, an advent calendar (filled with chocolate) and three boxes of chocolate covered cherries! (to add to the box I already got from Peter)