Karma Test
Or, "I'm A Great Big Idiot Who Gave Back A Free Aero Bar"
Yesterday the vending machine at work gave me two Aero bars instead of the one I had paid for.
Instead of celebrating my good fortune and gobbling both bars, here's what I thought:
"What if karma is testing me?"
And, "What if karma is actually rewarding me?"
Also, "Maybe karma is rewarding me and punishing the vending machine man for ripping everyone off on chocolate bars!"
In the end, I just couldn't bring myself to eat it. I put it in my drawer and decided I would figure out what to do with it tomorrow (today.)
I came in to work this morning, went into the staffroom, and the vending machine guy was there filling the machine. I got the bar, and gave it to him, and told him the machine had given me two. He looked at me very strangely.
But, see? It was a test after all!
I sound like a real wackjob, don't I?